Thursday, April 2, 2009

Text Messaging 4//2/09

Yes I have texted before. I always text to
my children. They text all the time. I'm
fairly comfortable texting, however I don't
use text lingo and still am not too familiar
with using caps or punctuation. Looking at
Lingo 2 Word did help. I knew a few but
some of those they showed I never would
have guessed. I firmly believe you should
never text and drive at the same time.
I think it's bad enough when one is talking
on the phone and driving. Too much distraction.
No wonder there's so many accidents.
Texting is a great tool - that is how our manager
was able to send us messages during Hurricane
Ike. It was great. We were able to know that
all our employees were ok. So YEAH for texting.

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Week 5 # 11- A Thing About Library Thing

It was quite easy getting the books, but had a bit of trouble tranferring it to my blog. Still not sure if I did it correctly.